Support Wonderings by sending books

Books play a very important part in my daily life and are a great source of inspiration for Wonderings. Because not everyone wants to show their support by giving money, I have compiled here a ‘To-read’ list for those wishing to send books rather than dollars, euros or pounds.

Feel free to browse through it and send me a message to get my postal address if a title (or several) speaks to you. I hope this list provides you with some interesting discoveries for your own to-read pile.

Fun fact: The Japanese word Tsundoku (積ん読) designates the habit of acquiring new books and letting them pile up instead of reading them.
(Be assured that no book gets put in a corner with me. Each volume will be avidly read)

If you wish to send me a book that is not featured on this list, you can check whether I have already read it by visiting my ‘Read books’ list.

Thank you for your support, dear Wonderer!

‘The Bookworm’ (1850), Carl Spitzweg. (Source: Grohmann Museum)

The Bookworm’ (1850), Carl Spitzweg. (Source: Grohmann Museum)